An introduction of MoPub
Do you want to Drive More Mobile Ad Revenue? MoPub is a hosted ad serving solution built specifically for mobile publishers. Grow your...

Ad serving Solutions
Ad serving describes the technology and service that places advertisements on web sites. Ad servers basically let you swap out ads...

如何使用Google dfp新增廣告單元?
Google的廣告服務多元,除了Google AdSense、Google AdWords之外,你知道嗎?還有一個Google dfp平台。這個平台是將本來的Ad Manager升級整合到DoubleClick for Publishers之中,目前此平台叫做廣告管理系統,...

DC Storm
Introduction DC Storm helps marketers increase sales, deliver higher ROI and target their digital marketing spend better. The intuitive...

The Leading Cross-Channel Performance Advertising Platform
We deploy various platforms to achieve your goal. Our aim: >Run your channels independently, or run them in concert >Increase your social...

Transform your marketing. grow your business.
Introducing you the tool from Kenshoo. This is the only Facebook Marketing Partner with native API solutionsfor ads across these...

百度推廣簡介 An Introduction of Baidu
在百度,平均每天有约228万次农林牧渔类信息搜索 是全球最大的中文搜索引擎 每天响应五十亿次搜索请求 通过关键词,帮您锁定有需求的客户 通过地域、时间的筛选帮您有针对性的覆盖有需求的客户 根据您的需要,设置分地域、分时段投放,设置每日、周推广花费上限, ...

An Introduction of B2B, B2C, B2B2C, C2B, C2O, O2O, EC, B2E, C-commerce 商務
Business-to-Business (B2B) -E-Commerce model in which all of the participants are business or other organizations. -Example:...

Web 1.0 Web 2.0, 3.0 and social networking - what is it all about?
Web 1.0 Web 2.0, 3.0 and social networking - what is it all about? What is Web 1.0? Self-entertainment and download. What is Web 2.0?...

Market Research Solution
New Brand Media Online would like to share with you some of the most popular market research solutions for direct markets: eMarketer is...

移動終端優化 未來不是單靠設立響應式(Responsive mode)網站開發或開發移動,還應注重面向移動終端優化和社交媒體營銷。 Google Webmaster Tools 推出新功能移動可用性(Mobile Usability),應對數字營銷。消費模式轉變,帶動社交媒...

粉丝通 (內銷市場推廣)
粉丝通应用推广介绍 粉丝通的应用推广是新浪微博推出的app下载广告服务,它可以让您的移动应用展示在微博客户端的信息流中,您可以将您的应用提交至粉丝通后台,选定投放的目标人群,如20-30岁北上广的女性,并出一定的价格,您的广告就可以投放给微博的目标客户了。...

CRM Solution - Hubspot
Inbound Marketing & Sales Software. HubSpot tools are easier and more powerful because they're integrated. HubSpot software drives...

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