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Social Media Campaign / Fans 粉絲互動 

Creative 創意 / Advertorial 

Feature Coverage Reference / Key Fashion Titles / Lifestyle Titles

Why fans are so important to your business?


Fans are major source to spread your message. They are asset of your brand!

Fans play a key role for a brand to sustain.  Various campaigns can create buzz and getting higher exposure.

Why PR is essential for your brand exposure? 

Feature interview can build up and foster media relationship with key editors and stylists.  Executive profiling and management interviews in business titles can increase the credibility of your brand.


粉絲是傳播品牌信息的重要角色。他們是您的品牌資產! 他們對品牌的傳播起了關鍵性的作用。透過不同的營銷活動和公關活動,客戶可以創造越來越高的品牌曝光率。




Fashion Style
Feature Article - Jewelry
Feature Article - Jewelry
Wedding Title
Wedding Title
Wedding Title
Model Style
Wedding Title
Model Style- Jewelry
Feature Article
Feature Article - Celebrity
Fashion Titles
Feature Article- Interview
Feature Article
Feature Article
Fashion Titles
Feature Article - Interview
Feature Article - Interview
Fashion Titles
Fashion Titles
Fashion Titles - Esquire
Fashion Titles - Bazzar
Fashion Titles
Fashion Titles - Elle
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