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Notice to New Brand Media Online’s members, users and visitors

(A) You are not obliged to provide New Brand Media Online with your personal data. However, such provision is necessary so as to enable New Brand Media Online to provide you with the services or products which you are requested.


(B) The purposes for which your personal data (including : name, telephone number and email address) may be used are as follows:

  1. the daily operation of the services and products provided to you;

  2. designing services or products for customers' use;

  3. marketing imaging services or products;

  4. research services or products;

  5. meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirement of any law binding on New Brand Media Online;

  6. informing you of any member benefits for New Brand Media Online members; and

  7. any purposes relating to above.


(C) Your personal data held by New Brand Media Online shall be kept confidential but New Brand Media Online may provide such information to any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, market research, computer, payment or other services to New Brand Media Online in connection with the operation of its business; 

(D) If you no longer wish to receive promotional emails from New Brand Media Online, please click the unsubscribe link at our promotional emails to opt-out.


(E) All requests for access to data  or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held should be addressed as follows: 

The Data Protection Officer 
New Brand Media Online 



Notice to Visitors / Customers on collection of data on New Brand Media Online website (www.New Brand Media / App


When you visit our Website / App, we will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information (i.e. information that is about you and identifies you) from you.


When New Brand Media Online visitors login to their New Brand Media Online Website / App account, or when customers making online ordering at our Website / App, Cookies will be used for certain functions in our Website / App. Refuse to accept Cookies may cause members / customers not able to utilize or activate certain available functions in our Website / App.


Collection of personal data during ordering on Website / App
During online ordering at our Website / App, customers may be required to give personal data including customer name, telephone number, email address and postal address (collectively “Personal Data”). Refusal to provide such information may render us unable to handle any order you are making.


Use of “Personal Data” Collected 
“Personal Data” collected will be used only for handling of online order. We shall keep the “Personal Data” confidential at all times.


Retention of “Personal Data”Collected
In customers’ dealings with us and for auditing purposes, “Personal Data” and records of customers’ online transactions will be kept and retained by us for a reasonable period. Such information will be erased from our system in accordance with our internal policy.


關於個人資料(私隱)條例 (「條例」) 致客戶通知





  1. 方便為您提供各種服務與產品的日常運作;

  2. 設計適合客戶使用的服務或產品;

  3. 推廣服務或產品;

  4. 市場調查服務或產品;

  5. 根據「新品牌傳媒在線」必須遵守的法例要求,披露有關資料;

  6. 向閣下報導「新品牌傳媒在線」會員優惠;

  7. 任何與上述有關的用途。


 「新品牌傳媒在線」將對您的個人資料保密,但亦可能把有關資料提供予為配合「新品牌傳媒在線」業務運作而提供行政、電訊、市場調查、電腦、賬務或其他服務的任何代理人、承包商或第三方服務提供者; 閣下有權要求查閱「新品牌傳媒在線」所持關於閣下或閣下帳戶的資料,並修訂或更正有關資料。






關於於新品牌傳媒在線網站 ( / 應用程式收集的資料

致瀏覽者 / 顧客通知


當訪客瀏覽新品牌傳媒在線網站 / 應用程式時,我們只會記錄你的到訪,任何關於你或可識別你的身份的資料均不會被收集。

當新品牌傳媒在線會員登入新品牌傳媒在線網站 / 應用程式 賬戶時,或顧客於新品牌傳媒在線網站進行網站 / 應用程式 訂購時,Cookies將會被啟用於某些功能上,拒絕使用Cookies將會導致會員 / 顧客不能使用或啟動某些網站 /  應用程式功能。


於網站 / 應用程式 訂購時收集的個人資料

於新品牌傳媒在線網站 / 應用程式進行網上訂購時,顧客可能需要提供一些個人資料,包括顧客姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址及郵寄地址 (統稱“個人資料”),拒絕提供這些資料可能令我們無法處理有關的訂單。







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