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DC Storm


DC Storm helps marketers increase sales, deliver higher ROI and target their digital marketing spend better. The intuitive technology platform provide actionable insight and control across all digital channels; ensuring marketers have the competitive edge to succeed online.

The Storm Platform

The Storm platform includes multichannel tracking to allow businesses to see the full path to conversion and create advancedattribution models that accurately value all channels. This knowledge can then be used to draw actionable insights and improve performance. The market-leading PPC optimisation and automation tools allow marketers to make great use of this insight and the advanced reporting features. Storm Tag Manager allows marketing tags and JavaScript code to added and removed from a site putting control back in the hands of marketers.

Currently working with over 1,000 clients across the world, and in all verticals, DC Storm’s clients not only benefit from using it. If you would like more information about using this tool then please get in touch.

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