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Strategic Partners 策略性伙伴

We are specialized in engaging and motivating your customers, using various online vehicles.


A good marketing plan is not only a single e-DM plan or advertising. Nowadays the market place is getting more complicated and fragmented. A diversified and flexible marketing solution to optimize your marketing budget is essential! Our services cover Email, WhatsApp, We Chat, Apps, SMS text message, Voice message, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MicroBlog, Search Engine-SEO, SEM, Pay Per Click, responsive pages, traditional printing and other social networking media can surely add synergy effects to your existing marketing plan. We shall comply with related Ordinance and Law to protect your interests and the target audiences. (To learn more, please surf:


良好的行銷方案不只是單發電郵便能取得成功。現今目標客戶群高流動性和碎片化,市場環境遜間萬變,一套多元化、靈活具彈性的優化行銷方案何其重要!我們的服務覆蓋電郵、WhatsApp、WeChat/微信、手機程式、短訊、互動語音、Google、Yahoo、Bing、Facebook、Twitter、YouTube、MicroBlog、SEO、SEM、PPC以至動態網頁、傳統印刷媒體及其他社交網絡等,服務可以獨立作業或以專案形式整合管理,為您度身訂造,獨一無二!我們尊重謝絕名單,行銷活動保証遵守《非應邀電子訊息條例》(請前往通訊事務管理局辦公室(通訊辦)網站 查閱)、中港兩地廣告條例及其他相關法例等推行,合法合規,能保障您和目標客戶的權益。

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