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模特兒造型硬照參考 / 特輯

您想為品牌產品找代言人,經營海量的粉絲團,製作高流量的網路活動影片,拍攝宣傳片、廣告或網絡電影嗎? 或想聘用藝人一起作代言人或宣傳推廣嗎? 我們可以推薦藝人成為您的產品或服務的代言人,又或打做一個藝人品牌,我們專業與各藝人「提案」為您效勞。如欲查詢檔期或查詢合作,歡迎與我們聯絡


Do you want to promote your brand with famous artists , celebrities and models? Or do you want to invite more fans, make high-traffic web posts and viral videos to promote your brand? We can recommend artists and celebrities to you. We have expertise to create the "star-brand products" together.  Contact us today if you are interested. 

Besides,we also focus on advertising, popcorn, parties and event management, digital marketing, egg puff, catering, chocolate fountain rental, claw machine rental in Hong Kong. Check it out!

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