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4 Email Marketing Goals

It's a good time to set your new year goals!

Our ultimate goal will be to continue to deliver actionable content that our small business and nonprofit audience can use to do more business and achieve success.

Here are four important goals to consider:

1. Grow your email list

Below are some of the common ways to grow your email lists:

  • Encourage your current email subscribers

  • Create good content

  • Promote an online contest

  • Run an opt-in campaign

  • Create signature links

  • Use social media

  • Web site links

  • Partners' links

  • By traditional marketing and advertising

  • Webinars

  • QR code links

2. Improve email open rates

Rate vary from industry to industry. For example, for travel and tourism, the open rate is about 19.48% and the bounce rate is 10.02%; while the marketing, advertising, public relations messages' open rate is 10.35% and 7.7% respectively. You should maintain a good rate with reference to your industry.

3. Increase email engagement

Nowadays, simply "like" and "share" is not enough. You should engage your customers and generate more leads and contacts by all means.

4. Improve business results

We offer you comprehensive and tailored solutions to grow your effective email list and make people to sign up in all the places and measure the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

For details, please contact us today!

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