如何提高CTR? 提升內容點擊次數和點擊率結果
您可以採用以下四種方法,針對推薦內容獲得更好的點擊次數和點擊率結果: 1.上傳清晰有吸引力的圖片。 2.寫短描述性標題 添加推薦內容時,請保持簡短和描述性。 示例:5個提高生產力社交媒體工具 3.添加推薦內容 您可以根據需要和受眾群體和流量添加推薦內容,您不需添加太多內容以...

4 Email Marketing Goals
It's a good time to set your new year goals! Our ultimate goal will be to continue to deliver actionable content that our small business...

How to conduct AB/Multi-Variant testing? What tools are available?
Popular tools like Offermatica, Optimost, Test & Target & SiteSpect can help you to do the AB/ Mult-variant testing efficiently....

Be a smart digital marketer 成為一個數字營銷達人
Below are 10 skills you need today to go above and beyond in digital marketing. Take a look, and see what you can improve. Follow a PM...

認識Digital marketing 術語: CPC, CPM, CPA CPS, CPL, CPI
CPC – Cost Per Click (每次點擊成本) CPM – Cost Per Thousands Impression (每萬次曝光成本) CPA – Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition (每次獲得行動成本) ...

The Eight Steps to CRM Success
The steps are: Create a customer-centric business strategy. Translate your customer-centric strategy into goals and objectives....

Some Basic Social Media Writing Tips 基本社交媒體寫作貼士
Understand Active Vs. Passive Voice Put Your Audience First Invoke Curiosity Write Stuff People Want To Know and Love To Share Delivering...

How to provide real-time customer care? 如何提供實時的客戶服務?
Provide real-time customer care while looking professional (#You can help customers choose the size, color and quantity of products they...


一般認為Web2.0(論壇、博客為代表)和Web3.0(社交平台、微博客為代表)的相繼流行,UGC(User-generated Content,用戶生產內容,也稱UCC,User-created Content)功不可沒。隨著移動互聯網的發展,網上內容的創作又被細分出PG...

How to increase SEO ranking by Google+ 如何通過Google+提高SEO排名
Content marketing is essential for social media optimization. Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ and Instagram...

Marketing automation defined 營銷自動化定義
營銷自動化指的是基於大數據的執行,運用雲端軟件管理和自動化去完成營銷任務和流程,營銷自動化軟件改變了人工操作重複性的市場營銷流程,帶來便利。 營銷自動化功能包括電子郵件營銷、登陸頁面和表單、活動管理、主導培訓、評分、銷售線索生命週期管理、CRM集成、社交營銷功能和營銷分析。...

RSA SecurID Software Token 從Google Play安裝軟件令牌
從Google Play安裝“RSA SecurID軟件令牌” 為什麼要安裝? RSA SecurID軟件令牌: 使強認證成為業務的一個方便的部分。在移動設備(智能手機,平板電腦和PC)上部署RSA軟件令牌,並將其轉換為智能安全令牌。 安全條款...

今天與大家分享一些基本廣告知識。 4As / ATL / BTL 廣告中除了大家耳熟能詳的4As,我們也常聽到人說ATL和BTL。那麼,什麼是ATL,什麼又是BTL? 究竟這條line是什麼,大家又知不知道呢? 如果以廣義作為解釋,ATL即above-the-line,泛指...

Introducing Best Social Media Tools 介紹最佳社交媒體工具
Agorapulse: Social Media Teamwork Animoto: Make great videos. Easily. (vital for sound-off autoplay videos in the Facebook News Feed...