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Some Basic Social Media Writing Tips 基本社交媒體寫作貼士

Understand Active Vs. Passive Voice
  • Put Your Audience First

  • Invoke Curiosity

  • Write Stuff People Want To Know and Love To Share

  • Delivering value to their audience

  • To express and define themselves.

  • Use surveys or create personas to understand your typical audience member.

  • To feel connected to others.

  • To make themselves feel valued.

  • To express beliefs or support causes.

  • Avoid Pushy, Overly Sales-Driven Messaging

  • Make Sure You Have Clear Message-Match Between Your Posts And Destination Pages

  • Make Sure Your Copy Matches Your Visual Content

  • Create creative campaign counted down the days until kickoff

  • Be Clear And Concise

  • Develop Your Brand’s Social Media Personality

  • Define And Develop Your Voice And Tone

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