找到“Call For Action”的策略
消費者能為文藝埋單有多少不知道,但為披著文藝外衣的營銷傳播埋單很簡單——因為只需動動手指轉發朋友圈就可以了,說不定還能掙一張機票。對,說的就是今早人人都在朋友圈說“我也想去機場”的“4小時後逃離北上廣”。 原標題《3小時閱讀量100萬,漲粉10萬:“4小時逃離北上廣”的營銷...

Micro-blogging is spreading every seconds!
Do you know? Twitter(4年)每秒发送峰值 3132条 新浪微博(10个月)每秒发送峰值 3071条 When User A publishes a tweet, his content will spread to his subscribers...

How to increase SEO ranking by Google+
Content marketing is essential for social media optimization. Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ and Instagram...