Social Media Management 社交媒體 Twitter 秘技: 發起Twitter Poll 投票
發起Twitter投票 市場調查研究是所有商業決策的最佳參考,何不通過Twitter的調查,訪問一下您的Twitter社區群眾他們的意見? 您可以從個人或商業帳戶運行Twitter投票,時限為最多七天。一旦發布後,您可以實時查看結果洞察市場反應。在您的投票中投票的人將收到推...

Introducing a tool to measure social media success - Sysomos
為您介紹Sysomos技術方案。 Sysomos是全球領先的社交智能,分析和洞察力,提供一系列強大的工具,使您能夠衡量和取得社交媒體報告,成功地管理盈利、擁有、付費等各種渠道平台。由行業領先的數據科學平台提供支持,Sysomos目前服務被各大最先進的數字化高級機構和品牌採用...

Web 2.0 / 3.0 and Social Networking
Web 1.0 Web 2.0, 3.0 and social networking - what is it all about? What is Web 1.0? Self-entertainment and download. What is Web 2.0?...

5 Benefits of Working With Social Media Influencers 與社交媒體影響者合作的5大好處
Do you want more exposure for your small business on social media? Don't know where to find the influencers and wondering if partnering...

Some Basic Social Media Writing Tips
Understand Active Vs. Passive Voice Put Your Audience First Invoke Curiosity Write Stuff People Want To Know and Love To Share Delivering...

What is Influencer Marketing?
Influencer marketing (also influence marketing) is a form of marketing that has emerged from a variety of practices and studies, in which...

找到“Call For Action”的策略
消費者能為文藝埋單有多少不知道,但為披著文藝外衣的營銷傳播埋單很簡單——因為只需動動手指轉發朋友圈就可以了,說不定還能掙一張機票。對,說的就是今早人人都在朋友圈說“我也想去機場”的“4小時後逃離北上廣”。 原標題《3小時閱讀量100萬,漲粉10萬:“4小時逃離北上廣”的營銷...

Micro-blogging is spreading every seconds!
Do you know? Twitter(4年)每秒发送峰值 3132条 新浪微博(10个月)每秒发送峰值 3071条 When User A publishes a tweet, his content will spread to his subscribers...

How to increase SEO ranking by Google+
Content marketing is essential for social media optimization. Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ and Instagram...

How to build a group of true fans?
1) Helps people learn, communicate, and engage with other people. 2) Engage them. 3) Build conversation. 4) Tell stories that related to...


FACEBOOK Objectives & KPI
FACEBOOK Objectives • Brand awareness and engagement • Lead generation or customer acquisition • Share a mix of relevant links, blog...

Useful tactics to set up your GA 有用的策略設置您的GA
Q: Where to check my IP address? A: Try the free sites like http://whatismyipaddress.com/ Other tools that you must know: Developer GA...

企業微信1.0(新) 2016年4月18日 微信企業號除了跟微信一樣具聊天功能外,還有甚麼新功能?以下就為大家詳細介紹。 企業微信除了跟微信一樣具聊天功能外,亦加入電話和郵件等方式提高溝通效率,另外全平台同步推出,消息雲端同步 可以發送文字,語音,圖片和文件溝通工作...

How to provide real-time customer care?
Provide real-time customer care while looking professional (#You can help customers choose the size, color and quantity of products they...