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How to increase SEO ranking by Google+

Content marketing is essential for social media optimization. Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ and Instagram have had a long and complex relationship. And Google+ can be a very powerful tool for SEO.

Here are a few of the things the search engine looks at:

  • How many shares content created by a given brand/individual earns

  • How useful, informative, and valuable the content is

  • How relevant the content is to a specific base of readers

Tips for you:

1) Boost your followers with real account. Fake social media accounts following you won’t ultimately help your SEO standing and may, in fact, hurt it.

2) Build inbound links with relevant content. It’s the content that counts!

3) create “anchor” content

4) Encourage sharing. Consider offering a reward or incentive for readers.

5) Enhance your local search prowess and become more visible in local SERPs. Optimize your posts for local SEO.

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