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What is social CRM & Multi-channel CRM?

Social CRM is customer relationship management fostered by communication with customers through social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook.

CRM systems

CRM technology has evolved from a data repository to a system with a comprehensive understanding of customer relationships. An effective CRM system captures every interaction with a customer starting with the acquisition process and every customer service interaction.

Multichannel CRM

Maintaining a variety of communication channels allows customers to interact with an organization through direct and indirect channels. Companies use direct channels such as physical stores, catalogs or direct mail or indirect ones via websites or social media. This is also known as inbound marketing.

Multichannel marketing include via mobile devices, text messaging, email, company website, social media, search engine optimization (SEO) or GPS to track customers' proximity to goods and services.

While automation can have a serious impact on contact center operations, companies have to be ready to make the investment and align the organization with a new way of running business. Social brings a new element into CRM because now instead of just dealing with data and information we are dealing with conversations and relationships.

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