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How Does Your Digital Marketing Compare?

Digital Analytics

Knowledge is power.

Are you looking for Web analytics, social analytics and mobile analytics tools? We are pleased to introduce you a cross-channel Digital analytics tool to you.

Web analytics

The cross-channel digital journey of the always-connected consumer has become increasingly difficult to understand. But it’s more important than ever for marketers to see the journey clearly and know how to connect with consumers at every touch point. Analytics and measurement are the foundation of a good digital marketing strategy.

Mobile Analytics

As the most rapidly emerging digital marketing channel, the old rules don’t apply to mobile, but the need for analytics is as important as ever. A recent report by the Aberdeen Group found companies using mobile analytics saw an 11.6 percent increase in brand awareness while those without a mobile-specific analytics strategy had a 12.9 percent decrease. Let Webtrends get you on the right path to quality measurement and successful optimization.

Social Analytics

IIt’s critical to understand the real value of social within your marketing initiatives. It’s important not only because consumers are spending more time on social channels, but because they are also extremely engaged with both friends and brands, sharing activities and interests – often many times a day. Put your brand in the limelight by implementing a social measurement program to help you understand the success of acquisition, conversion and engagement initiatives.

Contact us for details now. We shall explain how could you use the most suitable tool to engage your customers.


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