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Difference between SOP and WI SOP和WI之間的差異

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provides what will be done and who will be responsible for making sure it gets done. A Work Instruction (WI) provides specific details on how it is done. The below figure shows a typical document hierarchy in an organization. Both the SOP and WI should be controlled documentation.

<Quality Policy

<Quality Manual 品保手冊

<Procedures 程序

<Work Instructions 作業規範


<Forms 記錄表單

ISO SOP文件的精神: 1.制度須有涵蓋性。 2.制度合理化,具有說服力。 3.制度簡單化,具有執行力。 4.文件內容簡明扼要,清楚明白。

We assist our clients to define and streamline WI/ SOP for sales and marketing departments and establish ISO related documents for you.

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